记忆吗。尤其那些Sepia色调的图,最能拨动那根回忆的弦。单调的色调,会让人觉得,时间真的是回不去的了。刚才看了这组摄影Abandon Memory , 让我想起了爸爸的家乡。曾几何时农历新年都会回去,但在某年突然中断了。当中原因似乎有点复杂,但我最好奇的是,为什么我当时都不觉得奇怪?为什么现在才觉得奇怪?这不是很怪吗?
我以前会用塑胶袋捉蜻蜓,捉了后再放 (姐姐是共犯),还非常喜欢爬树咧。现在要把迷路的蜻蜓赶出房门我都像在打仗般(蝴蝶请离我远一点)。 树,不知何时已变成了提供氧气,美化家园,好像永远矗立在家门前的一种存在。
想起了中学时候喜欢听的歌。那些歌中 念对白式的唱法,不知怎的非常有味道,虽然有时歌词让人摸不着头脑。
尤其《Endless Rain》, 尤其 《Tears》, 还有Glay的《Rain》,LS《Forever and ever》……
Days of joy
Days of sadness
slowly pass me by
As I try to hold you
you were vanishing before me
You were just an illusion
When I am awakened
my tears have dried in the sand of sleep
I am a rose
blooming in the desert.
If you could have told me everything
You would have found what love is
If you could have told me what was on your mind
I would have shown you the way
Someday I'm gonna be older than you
I've never thought beyond that time
I've never imagined the pictures of that life
For now I will try to live for you and for me
I will try to live with love, with dreams,
and forever with tears
You would have found what love is
If you could have told me what was on your mind
I would have shown you the way
Someday I'm gonna be older than you
I've never thought beyond that time
I've never imagined the pictures of that life
For now I will try to live for you and for me
I will try to live with love, with dreams,
and forever with tears
Laying down outside
With a painfilled heart
Daybreak, gazing at the sky
The star shining, holds my memory
Apart, yet under the same sky
I can see your light
But, why can't my heart reach you
Why can't my love be with you
You just shine my solitary heart
Without saying anything
I embrace your light and memory <—— 就是喜欢那奇怪的语法啦。
《Forever and ever》
Out from my chaos to grace
Memory, you never let me cry
and you
you never said good-bye