All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

From the ashes a fire shall be woken.
A light from the shadow shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king.

~J.R.R. Tolkien

Friday, August 14, 2009


看一部漫画, 提到 Chess。 脑中尝试想起棋子的布阵,好在,还记得。
西洋棋, 酷! 尤其是闪闪发亮的棋子 *-*
家里有一幅,觉得还蛮精致,但 chess board 看似非常脆弱,毕竟只是厚纸一张,用多了自然老化得快。

没事用 WordWeb 找 KING 的定义, 竟是 "The weakest but the most important piece"。哇哈!一针见血,笑死我。它可以走那么一次一步,就算 Pawn 杀到来也来不及逃得远远。(好,是我策略不到家)连 Pawn 都可以横跨两步啦,但谁让它那么重要呢。

记得每次都拼死保护 Queen,因它最神; 或拼命把 Pawn 格格爬上8th Rank。然后, “PAWN power, Make Up!” 变身。

下西洋棋印象中并没什么特别风光的纪录。看着骏马被人家的庸兵 (人家的是庸兵,我的是 Riders of Rohan!! ) 揣一脚还是会心痛的,Queen 被俘虏了会欲哭无泪。有时会剩 King 孤零零一棋,当然啦没了女王你什么都不是 噗)

小时常与哥哥下,有一段时间搬棋去学校与好友下 (哗想不到我也有“琴棋书画”的校园生活)。
想想有三四年没碰了。以前还会在 Yahoo Games 下。现在下我的兵力一定很快被吞噬殆尽。

才知道原来这个局面是 draw?? 什么嘛~
其实不懂西洋棋的正统规则,因为都是看着哥哥学着玩的。记得中学时有参加 Chess Club, 废的。我校大多数学会是名副其实地名存实亡。

“Checkmate can be accomplished with a bishop and a knight, or one rook, or one queen. If both sides only have their king and one bishop (or knight), the game is a draw.”
呵呵呵,谁叫你 Bishop 只可以斜走?

在棋局上意兴阑珊地说 CHECK · mate · 应该会很过瘾吧?

Brass Chess

这个 3D model,漂亮。


  1. "King--The weakest but the most important piece"

  2. Speaking about straightforwardness of dictionary X)
