All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

From the ashes a fire shall be woken.
A light from the shadow shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king.

~J.R.R. Tolkien

Saturday, December 31, 2011


The Piano
The Sacrifice

The Scent of Love

♫ Michael Nyman

Edward Scissorhands
Ice Dance

♫ Danny Elfman

Pearl Harbour

♫ Hans Zimmer

Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence
Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence

♫ Ryuichi Sakamoto 坂本龍一

Scent of a Woman
Por una cabeza

♫ Carlos Gardel

Casper's Lullaby

♫ James Horner

Some extra sweetness for your cup of coffee...

 That . killer . line .

Blood +
Saya's Love

August Rush
August's Rhapsody

♫ Mark Mancina

Lord of the Rings

♫ Howard Shore

In this century that I live in
I am seriously infected with this lord-of-the-rings disease.
oh man.

Original soundtracks shouldn't be missed by people who like music.
I happen to like emotional tracks and those with strong rhythms.
It is a joy to encounter nice music in movies.
Have a day.

Friday, December 23, 2011

This and that

I found that I did not back up some important folders from previous hard disk.
Wuuuaaaaaaaa. My previous research is gone just like that. Though they are not the most important things, but I tend to think that I will need them at some points. Gone. I am an idiot.

Having said that, I still don't feel better. = <
At least, after rummaging through e-mails, I found that one of the finished assignments had been sent to my tutor. Oh thank you Mr.Tutor for requiring that. At the very least, feeling better.
I keep losing things at the end of the year. Ehemhemmm.
Hopefully I will start gaining things in the new year. Hekhek.

Presenting two photographers from deviantArt whom I like.


The subjects that I like in photography are objects and scenes.
I am not particularly interested in photography, but I appreciate people who take great photos.
Some people would go as far as an adventure just to take photos.
I just love those ghost ships.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


如果没有电脑,我的生活一定可以过得格~外充实。但没了电脑,一大堆事却做不下去 (80%是借口) 其实,没有电脑,我好像一直在睡觉。

原有的硬碟资料拿不回来。呜呜……虽然备份了重要的,但不重要的我也需要呀~~ (你很烦呀你)

话说那天在机场行李超重十六公斤。老实说,我知道一定超重的了(搬行李时搬得想死),但十六公斤还真出乎意料。本来拍胸脯说好我付就是了, 但是,最终败在了我不是有钱人的份上,便乖乖重新收拾行李去了。哈,花了两个小时真的是舍~弃了一大堆啊!多达十二公斤被我丢进了机场的垃圾桶。本来垃圾桶太小装不进我的舍弃品,便很心虚地把它们打包起来放在垃圾桶旁。过后怎么想都觉得它们 太像可疑物品,结果又心虚地跑回去捡起来丢进比较像样的垃圾桶。觉得自己有点白痴。但,在机场啊,还是别惹上可能发生的麻烦。

丢掉时真的心痛,因为等于丢掉$ ,也丢了一些实用的文件(纸张可是很重的,切记切记)但比起若没丢而必须付的$$罚金,简直是小巫见大巫。剩下的两公斤拿在手上。只是纸张耶,竟然要两公斤。纸张原来真的是木头(……呵)再剩下的两公斤check-in人员发慈悲地让我过关,我想我这情形在他的机场生涯中不知遇见了多少次。

开始玩Hidden Object Games啦啦啦。