All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

From the ashes a fire shall be woken.
A light from the shadow shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king.

~J.R.R. Tolkien

Saturday, October 24, 2015

又是一场 梦。

        我想起 ,有天梦到了自己突然就出现在钢琴考试的现场,可是发现琴谱根本没练好,一点都不熟悉,必须硬着头皮上场,结果整个梦就是在后悔。这是干嘛?考钢琴都几百年前了。

        很多年以后,依然清晰记得那考场。酒店的大堂很明亮,踏在大理石上的鞋发出清脆的声响,咯、咯、咯地踏进了升降机。从上头飘来的悠悠古典音乐里掺杂着酒店独有的气味,心情跟着七上八下。地毯使得周围有点安静,又有点声音,心情和现实都很muffled。到达了考试的房间,还得担心如果听不懂外国人考官说什么该怎么办? 总之,经历了八次,那酒店地毯升降机悄悄地成了阴影。多年以后,我依然时不时会梦见自己突然就站在那关着外国人考官的房间前。梦里不是紧张自己没练琴,就是迟了大到,或是完全忘了有考试这回事,隔天才惊吓地想起。荒谬得很。现实中,我没有真的考砸过,也没有迟到过,也不可能忘记过。所以,十年后还梦见自己一直迟到忘记fail了这钢琴考试是怎样?


Thursday, October 01, 2015

Oh-myyyyyy moment

It's October and I don't even realise!
Man, it's already October.
OMG. I am gonna be a year older (not so soon but soon?).
Whenever it's year end, I feel the dread.
Early birthday, sad case.

I feel even more older when I heard this song. There was a time when Japanese dramas were very popular, back in the late 90s and early 2000s. I still remember Beach Boys in 1996, I think the popularity started from there. One day, I am gonna rewatch them alllll. Old people do that, you know.