So after 5 years of inactivity, older me decided to drop by my dusty blog. 物非人也非, many videos and links I posted in the past no longer exist.
Nevertheless, I still find myself quite liking the layout and aesthetic of my blog! It still exists in the vacuum of the internet, in year 2023. That’s what I thought, the vacuum where no other internet residents realise that such a blog exists. Look at the name of my blog, it screams 2010s, don’t you think?
What surprises me is that this blog has 570 views in the last month, (0_o). Where did these views come from? Most probably from bots, I suppose.
If a human stumbles upon this blog, maybe say hi in the comment section. :]
Byebye for now, see you again.
Let me start by saying hi to myself! :]