我想起 ,有天梦到了自己突然就出现在钢琴考试的现场,可是发现琴谱根本没练好,一点都不熟悉,必须硬着头皮上场,结果整个梦就是在后悔。这是干嘛?考钢琴都几百年前了。
All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
From the ashes a fire shall be woken.
A light from the shadow shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Thursday, October 01, 2015
Oh-myyyyyy moment
It's October and I don't even realise!
Man, it's already October.
OMG. I am gonna be a year older (not so soon but soon?).
Whenever it's year end, I feel the dread.
Early birthday, sad case.
I feel even more older when I heard this song. There was a time when Japanese dramas were very popular, back in the late 90s and early 2000s. I still remember Beach Boys in 1996, I think the popularity started from there. One day, I am gonna rewatch them alllll. Old people do that, you know.
Man, it's already October.
OMG. I am gonna be a year older (not so soon but soon?).
Whenever it's year end, I feel the dread.
Early birthday, sad case.
I feel even more older when I heard this song. There was a time when Japanese dramas were very popular, back in the late 90s and early 2000s. I still remember Beach Boys in 1996, I think the popularity started from there. One day, I am gonna rewatch them alllll. Old people do that, you know.
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Lazy journalism is dumb, dumb, dumb.
The news media nowadays. They love to quote everything which internet users said. I have just read an "article" on The Star website where basically every new paragraph is a direct quotation from some internet users. Seriously?? You know what, even a 10yo could cut and paste those internet comments and make it into an article if that's what is required for an article. If journalism is going down that way, I will despise it. If you are a journalist who only knows to construct a news piece by scouring the internet and copy paste Facebook comments, I have no respect for you. If you are a news editor who allows that to happen, I have no respect for you.
Since when does random internet comments become a reliable source for judging a situation or event? You think you are quite fair to mix positive and negative internet opinions into your article, and then, nop, no "then", you just leave it as it is and call it a day. I tell you, that is really dumb. Lazy journalism is really stupid. Articles which lack critical thinkings and constructive reasonings have NO VALUE AT ALL. (grumble)
Friday, May 22, 2015
My history: The songs which I used to play again and again
I suddenly had the thought of posting songs which I was rather 'obsessed' with at one time throughout the years.
As far as I remember, my first ever encounter with pop music was Wakin Chau 周华健. I would sneak into my brother's room when he went to school, take out his Wakin Chau's cassette tape from his drawer, and play it using the cassette player, almost every day. I also used to steal my brother's A4 papers to draw, thinking that he wouldn't realise since he had a thick stack of it. I think I know every thing that was in his drawers, including a legendary love letter from his senior (which was addressed to my then 13-year-old bro HAHAHAHA). We always teased him about that. That's the "perks" of having younger sisters so bro you have no choice lah. Ok I digressed. I don't know how exactly did I discover Wakin Chau in my bro's room, but I loved his songs. I was probably 6/7 years old.
【Classics from Wakin Chau】
【Classics from Wakin Chau】
Then the next pop music encounter was when the Jay Chou era hits, in early 2000s. I liked many of his earlier songs, sadly I lost interest in his newer compositions many years ago.
【開不了口 Hard to Say it Out 】
Then I fell in love with a song from Faye Wong, because of that I purchased her entire album (cassette tape) which costed RM17.90, a huge number for a kid. I used my dad's money though, I think he wasn't very happy hahaha. Then I just began to love her work, especially the non-mainstream ones.
【流年 Fleeting Time】 (Looooved it)
Around the same time our own homegrown Fish Leong came to popularity. I liked this song because I liked a small part of electric guitar playing in it. I guess that's the first sign of my later musical preferences. Hmmm. I still listen to Fish Leong a lot nowadays.
【如果有一天 One day, if...】
In secondary school, my brother had a lot of Japanese Rock songs in the only computer in our house. So, I ended up listening to them and liking Japanese Rock music. I think I just happened to like whatever that was available around me at that time. But this time, this has a long lasting effect.
I was obsessed with "HOWEVER" by GLAY due to the fact that I couldn't quite catch the melody of the song initially. Then I listened to it every single day lol.
Then LUNA SEA came and broke my liking for sentimental songs. Then the rest is history (lol). I did not like the vocalist's voice at all. But, hah hah, there is only a fine line between dislike and like. I freaking loved his voice after seeing him singing live (I still maintain that he is the best vocalist in the world *laugh*).
【 Gravity 】
【 Rain 】
Old but gold, the last 3 minutes.
And of course, B'zzzzzzzzzz.
【 今夜月の見える丘に Tonight, at the hill where we can see the moon 】
Needless to say, alan. First impression was, "WOAH", when I saw her mv on TV for just a few seconds in 2011/2012.
【 明日への讃歌 A Hymn of Tomorrow 】
My 2014 favourite discover was a relatively obscure indie band, a paindyne. My favourite song of the year is "soothe", followed by "宇宙人", then "quasar". Always on my replay list.
【a paindyne - moonscape】
【 HaKU - Hikari 】
This song is reaaally addictive.
Ok I can't believe I persevered through this post. I am lazy already. The most recent one is by Flower (again).
【Flower - Call】
Tata for now.
Where are the English songs? Ok la must add one or two in. The fact is that there are too many.
【 Breaking Benjamin - Forget it 】
"Forget it" was on a loop for forever.
【 Within Temptation - Memories 】
The lasting effect being that, my musical preferences become very band-oriented, plus if you suck as singing live, I would lose interest very quickly.
Monday, May 11, 2015
A little quiz on an ordinary day.
What would make a person suddenly tensed up, ran away from her chair (she was sitting), picked up one of the toys (weapons) scattered on the carpet while looking around on extraordinarily-high alert? You know, that time as if your house was invaded by invisible aliens?
A flying cockroach.
Heck. Why the hell do they have to exist?!
I am ok with friendly running cockroaches who just run on the floor as if the human who are standing next to them are too insignificant to earn their attention. I even had cockroaches crossing the road together with me twice! Seriously, these creatures.
The flying ones though, they are evil. Something goes haywire in their little brains perhaps, they would just go berserk within a confined space (no space is large enough when you have these nuts in the same room with you I tell ya). You would run away, until that one cockroach who is resting on the white door (rest for 2 seconds la cockroach gets tired too) becomes a little black spot. Because you still cannot stand that little black spot, as no you will not believe it will stay still forever, you move your body and use whatever obstructions in front of you to hide that little black spot so you will not see it anymore.
Then you regret it immediately. As you poke your little head out the thing is gone. Yakkkkkks. A gone flying cockroach in a pretty confined space is the worst thing to happen, ever. So you brace yourself for the sudden attack of this devil and run away to get the FUMAKILLA AEROSOL-T, your greatest weapon which you cannot afford to run out of.
For me, killing needs a lot of consideration. It won't be on my must-do list even when I am face to face with a flying cockroach. I will see whether it will fly away (80% of the time this is being too optimistic). But sorry cockroach, I have to spray that on you this time. I don't know how does it feel to get poisoned like that, but I have to knock you out.
Sorry for me being a human. T.T
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Funny Totoro
I suddenly had the urge to watch Tonari no Totoro so I did. The first time I watched it was perhaps when I was 9 years old. It was a VCD borrowed by my sister from her good friend. I didn't particularly like it, but the "titita, pompompa" uttered by the chibi-Totoros got stuck in my head (exclusive to Canto-dub chibi-Totoros). However, from there onwards Studio Ghibli has stuck with me till now. I haven't watched Totoro for a long time, this time though, I noticed a few things which I hadn't noticed before, and they are freaking funny.
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Totoro's tororo face. |
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Its ear pricks the umbrella, hahahah |
What I found most funny was this scene in particular.
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Nekobasu 'spells' 院 incorrectly and the right mouse was taken aback, like, "Huh?!" It was hilarious. |
Thursday, March 19, 2015
最近记得了一个梦, 梦见了弟弟。梦见弟弟不奇怪,奇怪的是他在我梦里是小孩子!大概七八岁左右。而我,好像跟现在一样大。所以,感觉很微妙,毕竟在梦里我跟他差了快要二十岁(是不是最近身边一直有亲戚的小孩们在打转的缘故?),所以待他就像小孩般。梦里的设定是我跟他一起逛商场,一开始我们就已经出现在一个家具店里。毕竟是小孩子,他就很顽皮的跑来跑去。(真的,好怀念的感觉)
然后更匪夷所思的事情发生了。突然间,我(梦里的)的眼睛望向了那家具店的角落。那个角落看上去像是垂直放了一个很大的方形柱子,因为是靠在墙角,所以只露出两个面积,分别在那两个面积上躺着一扇门。梦里的我知道其中一扇门其实不是家具店在卖的一扇门。为了让弟弟有个惊喜,我让他去开那扇门,他开了后很surprised,那个门其实是开往另一个店铺的秘密之门(天这不就是 《Inception 之 店中有店》吗?)。我跟他一起进去那家店,那里的工作人员很开心地说:“啊,被找到了。欢迎来到本店。”
如果嘛那家店很有趣的话还好,但为什么是现实版 "Can you escape the room" 主题的店啊?可能是我很喜欢在PC玩那样的游戏啦,但还是觉得在梦里梦到现实版的有点……让人无语。那家店宽~得不得了,似乎我和弟弟都有想要参与游戏的兴趣。然后就没有然后了。想想那家店好像很有梗,若你要玩 "Escape the Room" 游戏得先找到它的入口,入口不藏起来,只是伪装成了被卖的其中一个门。什么东西?难道我其实也很有梗? (多啦A梦说它早就有了此门。)
这个梦最大的感触其实是梦里那还小的弟弟。长大后一直觉得,以前忽略了他。如果是现在的我,应该会多一份耐心吧。 前提是如果他还是那么小的话啦。不是说有弟弟的姐姐会三秒变泼妇吗?哈哈。现在要说什么都有点顾忌,也不想唠唠叨叨,不然他会唱反调,不然就是懒得回答你。所以,很多时候都不知他在做什么。如果当初有多多跟他玩就好了、如果有多点耐心就好了,之类之类,所以才会梦到他小时候吗?并不是他现在不好啦,只是长大了。以前毕竟很可爱,还会说: “今晚可以跟你一起睡吗?我不会尿床的。” 天啊不是很可爱吗??时间怎么那么不留情就过了十年啊(哭)。
最近记得了一个梦, 梦见了弟弟。梦见弟弟不奇怪,奇怪的是他在我梦里是小孩子!大概七八岁左右。而我,好像跟现在一样大。所以,感觉很微妙,毕竟在梦里我跟他差了快要二十岁(是不是最近身边一直有亲戚的小孩们在打转的缘故?),所以待他就像小孩般。梦里的设定是我跟他一起逛商场,一开始我们就已经出现在一个家具店里。毕竟是小孩子,他就很顽皮的跑来跑去。(真的,好怀念的感觉)
然后更匪夷所思的事情发生了。突然间,我(梦里的)的眼睛望向了那家具店的角落。那个角落看上去像是垂直放了一个很大的方形柱子,因为是靠在墙角,所以只露出两个面积,分别在那两个面积上躺着一扇门。梦里的我知道其中一扇门其实不是家具店在卖的一扇门。为了让弟弟有个惊喜,我让他去开那扇门,他开了后很surprised,那个门其实是开往另一个店铺的秘密之门(天这不就是 《Inception 之 店中有店》吗?)。我跟他一起进去那家店,那里的工作人员很开心地说:“啊,被找到了。欢迎来到本店。”
如果嘛那家店很有趣的话还好,但为什么是现实版 "Can you escape the room" 主题的店啊?可能是我很喜欢在PC玩那样的游戏啦,但还是觉得在梦里梦到现实版的有点……让人无语。那家店宽~得不得了,似乎我和弟弟都有想要参与游戏的兴趣。然后就没有然后了。想想那家店好像很有梗,若你要玩 "Escape the Room" 游戏得先找到它的入口,入口不藏起来,只是伪装成了被卖的其中一个门。什么东西?难道我其实也很有梗? (多啦A梦说它早就有了此门。)
这个梦最大的感触其实是梦里那还小的弟弟。长大后一直觉得,以前忽略了他。如果是现在的我,应该会多一份耐心吧。 前提是如果他还是那么小的话啦。不是说有弟弟的姐姐会三秒变泼妇吗?哈哈。现在要说什么都有点顾忌,也不想唠唠叨叨,不然他会唱反调,不然就是懒得回答你。所以,很多时候都不知他在做什么。如果当初有多多跟他玩就好了、如果有多点耐心就好了,之类之类,所以才会梦到他小时候吗?并不是他现在不好啦,只是长大了。以前毕竟很可爱,还会说: “今晚可以跟你一起睡吗?我不会尿床的。” 天啊不是很可爱吗??时间怎么那么不留情就过了十年啊(哭)。
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Congratulations gaaah.
When I was turning 20, I remember I felt such great sadness in me. *lol*
When I was turning 25, I felt quite sad too, as I would be confronted with this:
I have no particular thought this year, except the thought that I am still 一事无成。(cries)
Recently I kept looping this shiawase song, I love it.
春夏秋冬 Shunkashuutou
This spring, where shall we go?
This summer, where shall we go?
The cherry blossoms of spring and the sea of summer,
I want to see with you.
I want to be with you.
And this emo song with a great female vocal.
Let go
Again, Youtube is a great invention.
When I was turning 20, I remember I felt such great sadness in me. *lol*
When I was turning 25, I felt quite sad too, as I would be confronted with this:
I have no particular thought this year, except the thought that I am still 一事无成。(cries)
Recently I kept looping this shiawase song, I love it.
春夏秋冬 Shunkashuutou
This spring, where shall we go?
This summer, where shall we go?
The cherry blossoms of spring and the sea of summer,
I want to see with you.
I want to be with you.
And this emo song with a great female vocal.
Let go
Again, Youtube is a great invention.
Friday, January 23, 2015
- 王实甫
At dawn what dyes the frosted woods the flush of drunkenness?
It will ever be the tears of separated lovers.
- Wang Shifu (Source)
Break down:
At dawn (晓来) what dyes (谁染) the frosted woods (霜林) the flush of drunkenness (醉)?
It will ever be (总是) the tears of separated lovers (离人泪).
- 王实甫
At dawn what dyes the frosted woods the flush of drunkenness?
It will ever be the tears of separated lovers.
- Wang Shifu (Source)
Break down:
At dawn (晓来) what dyes (谁染) the frosted woods (霜林) the flush of drunkenness (醉)?
It will ever be (总是) the tears of separated lovers (离人泪).
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